Posted by Fix Sculpted ice armor lineart!

☆🦎Gryffin ☆

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2023-04-01 16:00:23
Hi! You guys might know the new "Sculpted ice armor" Decor that came out last december!

Personnally, i think its pretty... But it does not fit the game's style. The lineart is Blue And doesn't fit with the lion At all! Which honestly makes me very sad, I make a lot of custom decor, and it always gets rejcted when the lines arent the dark-brownish of the lion's lines, which im not complaining about, I want my CD's to fit Lioden's style. But Sculpted ice armor doesn't fit! So i think its very, very unfair for official decor to have what we're not allowed to do.

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Edited on 01/04/23 @ 16:04:08 by 🦎EliWazzhere~G1|3xRos|tobiano (#244875)

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