Posted by [Studs] 4-Leaf Clover Bases

⚔️ Lunarknight
[Private Stud] (#150967)

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Posted on
2023-04-01 16:01:40
Intro - Studs - ISO - Sales - Raffles - B-Days - Idea Nook

This is the stud list for the clan 4-Leaf Clover Bases.

To keep things neat and organized please put your stud in 1 comment. If you change their appearance please edit your comment accordingly.

What to include in your comment: link , image , price , fertility , how often you RO if not daily, and their appearance (base,markings, eyes,mane,mutation,etc).

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Edited on 01/04/23 @ 18:44:34 by DaemonFox(Side) (#150967)

Pigeon |x2 Rosette
Kimanjano| (#100818)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-01 17:09:35

Lion Link: Kalahari
Fertility requirements: VLF Friendly!
Price: 350sb or 1gb (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
RO schedule: Daily - Every other day

Base: Kimanjano (White skin)
Eyes: Arid
Mane: Sienna Incubus
Generation: Gen 3, clean

Slot 1: White Underfelt (100%) (Tier 2)
Slot 2: Feline 8 Dark Brown (57%) (Tier 2)
Slot 3: Cream Freckles 3 (80%) (Tier 3)
Slot 4: Feline 7 Onyx (1%) (Tier 2)
Slot 5: Feline 7 Gold (20%) (Tier 2)
Slot 6: Mottled Rosette (30%) (Tier 5)
Slot 8: White Mottled Vents (60%) (Tier 6)
Slot 9: Ginger Soft Rosette (100%) (Tier 4)
Slot 10: Almond Inverted Cover (30%) (Tier 3)
Slot 11: Bone Ear Spots (100%) (Tier 1)

RMA status: ongoing

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