Posted by Breeding Project Dilemma

Ellie (#66461)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 06:08:18
Okay, I have the ultimate "poor-you" problem, because of course after years of working on this breeding project, my problem now is that I've just had two cubs born that are perfect and I don't know who to make my heir to finish it off!

My breeding project is to breed a Celestial king with all 4 Celestial and Skyward marks and Starshine eyes, which is what my most recent cub has fulfilled. I've been working on that part for literal years to finally get all of the stars to align. However, I also decided I wanted to add in some BO mane and skin traits a couple of weeks ago, and so I also have this cub born the other day that has the Celestial base, 6 of the necessary 8 markings, and BO eyes/mane shape and color/skin.

The problem is, I don't know which one would be better for making my king in order to move to the final step of my project. Either I choose the 8 marks king, which has been my goal for ages, and breed him to my handful of BO ladies, or I choose my BO king, which may be harder to replicate (I have used items to pass down eyes and skin but the mane item is way too expensive lol) and I also have way more lionesses that I can use to keep trying to capture lightning in a bottle. I think I should probably use the BO king since it means more opportunities to get it right (and can sexchange the 8 mark cub and use for breeding) but I wanted to hear if anyone had any better suggestions.

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venna (#15577)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-04-05 06:17:58
firstly, congrats! i’d probably use the BO cub if you want to incorporate those traits! you’d be able to spread the BO traits better than if you just used the cub as a breeder and since you already have lionesses with what you need it’d just be a matter of time and luck to get your goal :)

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 06:18:35
Oof, tough decision!! I think the BO cub would be better ^^

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