Posted by high or low stats?

🌷[He] (#402207)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 09:40:01
From when is it defined that my lion's statistics are high? or low in the other case.
I mean the total stats of Strength/Stamina/Agility/Speed/Smarts/Skill. I have this confusion because in the trade I have seen many sales of puppies or lions that have high statistics and only have 50-150 in all, is that a lot or a little?
What is the way to know if a lion has good statistics?
My other question is, what is the statistic that you recommend reinforcing more? when you are training your puppies they give you the option to choose which one you want to train.
Does any stat include when exploring or fighting with npc?

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 09:46:50
Stats dont do much in-game, so it doesnt really matter which stat to train. Some people like them to be spread evenly, but its just a looks preference. Stats are rumored to matter in battling BUT personal experience, 200 stats and 2000 stats do NOT have any difference when battling. Mostly stats are just valued by competetive people wanting to have higher numbers for the sake of higher numbers.

Amount of stats considered low or high depends on a user. Some people consider 150 stats to be high, as its more than what'd you get from NCL breeding. Some consider stats around 1000 to be high. Others consider stats high if its above 3000. And so on. It's really up to each user.

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πŸŽƒ Jen
O'Lantern πŸŽƒ (#177530)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 10:32:32
Its mainly personal tastes but to fight in explore without issues you want to have at least 600 stats in my opinion. 1000 stats is considered good, especially for lower genetation lions, and people tend to call their lions high stat around the 3 to 4k mark.

For things like mega stat playstyles its heavily tied to heritage. Its hard training to get an ncl to 5000 stats, so thats considered huge for a g1. On the other side a long line would need much higher stats to qualify because they should've had a head start from their parents.

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Edited on 05/04/23 @ 10:38:08 by 🦜 Jenday 🦜 [Fable] (#177530)

🌷[He] (#402207)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 10:01:51
Oh thanks! so in that case I can give myself more freedom when choosing between my puppies or when buying, thanks for responding!

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