Posted by App Swap

Larkspur1678 (#4749)

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Posted on
2023-04-05 13:11:19
Looking to swap some of my current apps for the ones needed for my side's heir.

Fuchsia Nectar x2
Hibiscus Nectar x1
Flamingo Plumage x1
Fiery Unders x2

Ammonite Body x3
Ammonite Fur x1
Angelic Core x8
Angelic Imprints x1
Angelic Mane x2
Applicator: Blue Lace x5
Applicator: Brawl x12
Applicator: Hyena Blots Heavy x1
Applicator: Hyena Blots Scarce x1
Applicator: Hyena Spots Heavy x1
Applicator: Hyena Spots Scarce x1
Applicator: Inverted Brawl x29
Applicator: Kimanjano Mottled Vents x1
Applicator: Red Lace x4
Applicator: Rugged Unders x2
Applicator: Rumble x1
Arctic Circle x2
Astral Blessing x1
Atlas Markings x5
Atlas Titan x11
Augur Fur x1
Augur Prophecy x6
Brimstone Core x2
Burning Embers x2
Chatoyant Enamel x3
Crescent Moon x1
Decennial Base x2
Demonic Core x1
Demonic Mane x1
Divine Blessing x1
Dust: Amethyst x2
Dust: Carnelian x3
Dust: Dioptase x2
Dust: Fire Opal x1
Dust: Garnet x2
Dust: Hematite x3
Dust: Jasper x1
Dust: Kunzite x1
Dust: Labradorite x1
Dust: Moss Agate x1
Dust: Nuummite x2
Dust: Opal x2
Dust: Rhodonite x2
Dust: Rough Opal x1
Dust: Rough Ruby x2
Dust: Tanzanite x1
Eldritch Immolation x3
Ethereal Fur x3
Eye Applicator: Intense Salt x1
Eye Applicator: Lavender x1
Favour of Anubis x1
Favour of Bast x1
Favour of Seth x1
Feast of Saint Patrick x6
Fossil Body x1
Fossil Fur x2
Frostbitten Skin x1
Glass Dust x1
Grace of the King Cheetah x9
Gregarious Mark x3
Gregarious Phase x3
Haunch of Hirola x1
Invocation x1
Jacana Markings x2
Mane Applicator: Bloodbath x1
Mane Applicator: Hyena x1
Murex Markings: Haliotis x1
Murk Body x1
Murk Mane x1
Murk Marks x1
Mutie on Demand: Piebald (Ticked) x7
Mutie On Demand: Primal x2
Nacre Lining x6
Nautilus Body x3
Noctis Fur x1
One with the Giants x8
Ornate Body Frame x3
Penumbra Body x2
Penumbra Fur x5
Possession x1
Prune Skin x1
Random Marking Applicator x11
Royal Coat of Anubis x2
Royal Coat of Bast x2
Royal Coat of Seth x1
Sacred Body x2
Sacred Fur x2
Seduction x1
Sidereal Blessing x1
Skin Applicator: Lagoon x3
Skin Applicator: Lavender x1
Spectre Body x8
Styx Fur x1
Sunset Markings x1
Supernal Body x2
Supernal Fur x1
The Bodyguard x1
The Guardian x4
The Hyena x2
The Jacana x2
Touch of Demiurge x2
Trained Haruspex x1
Trophy of the Champion x1

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G1 Chaos 3x
rosettes|xxbloody (#262035)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-05 15:36:49
i have flamingo plumage and i can make fuschia nectar and hibiscus!

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