Posted by Suggestion: no age limit on adult sex changer

rottingfawn (pied G1
leonid) (#369598)

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Posted on
2023-04-08 12:53:48
So yesterday I had a mishap where I was ready to retire my king and replace it with my heir. My heir was female at the time to save space as male slots add up price quickly. Once I was ready and I went to sex change her, I realized too late that there was a limit of 36 months. She was 3y11m.

I don't quite grasp why adult sex changers should have a limit, as it's for, well, adults, and limiting it to young adults doesn't seem to have much benefit. Due to this inconveniencing feature I will have to spend a month or more trying to clone her.

This suggestion has 10 supports and 69 NO supports.

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Euzi {G5 10k Velvet
DR 14xBO} (#260028)

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Posted on
2023-04-08 13:55:04
Unfortunately, that's on you for not making sure you made her a male before hand, not the item or the game's fault where something needs to be changed. Making the sex changer to have no age limit is unnecessary and would have a fairly awful butterfly effect on the economy/challenge of the game. No support.

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-07 14:50:34
Support, this would make lore a bit more interesting as a result.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 00:13:01
No support. Sometimes I wait to give out lionesses / sell lionesses with many of my king's markings to ensure they can't just be kinged.

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jester ☘️ (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 00:24:18
The current sex changer mechanics give you thirty-six irl days to sex change a lion before they are no longer sex changeable. 24 when they're cubs, with absolutely no restrictions, and then 12 as adults with a few restrictions. While I've also accidentally let things age up, it's never been anything important. Modbox will also usually help if it's only a day past, which is really helpful.
There's nothing wrong with the current mechanics, and the economy is already weird enough without being able to sex change ancient female/male lions. No support.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 00:25:38
Honestly yeah, I'm always on top of my important lions. Mods have helped me with a number of fuckups on my part in the past. Just modbox the issue if you whupsie the lion aging without changing it.

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Lou💜(G1) (#56350)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 19:40:44
No support as well with agreement to the other posters, imagine people kinging actual RLs too, it's too much. Sorry about the mistake, but it happens and its just something you need to watch out for. Changing this would be horribly detrimental to the game.

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Aura/Samuel (#208852)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 20:19:05 don't have a lion in your pride for more than 3 years without breeding. Patrolling or hunting so it would be a bigger change than just age over all and far more complex. If you did then I'm sorry but next time do your research

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Edited on 13/06/23 @ 20:22:50 by Aura/Akela (#208852)

Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-15 08:50:37
" Sorry about the mistake, but it happens and its just something you need to watch out for. Changing this would be horribly detrimental to the game. "
- Lou💜(G2RainbowFerus) (#56350)

..Someone said that if they modbox the mods they could change sex, maybe if you made mistake, mods can fix it?

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River [CATDOG] (#139293)

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Posted on
2023-11-30 16:55:06
the age limits and "gender" limits are both out of wack. just make it so we can trans them whenever. why does it matter if a lion has patrolled/hunted and now you wanna make them your king/queen? they still have babies the exact same way, still do shit the exact same, just let us trans their gender whenever. (also gender-specifc decor is stupid too. let me give my lion a boyfriend damn it)

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2023-11-30 17:05:12
No support, sorry. The sex-changers work the way they do to keep things fair over in the stat department. You can hunt 5 lionesses at a time, every thirty minutes. Add that to the one male you can patrol per hour, and suddenly you've got a helluva lot of stat reps you can sell off. Stats may not be all too usable in-game, but they're still incredibly valuable. And giving the ability to then sex-change your ten year old huntresses to sell off as stat reps would fuck up the market.

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2023-12-23 21:22:23
I don't support either. I'm a stat breeder and as one if this was a actual thing I could easily take advantage of it. Patroll my sub till he has thousands of stats and use stat items then sex change him to female and breed him to the highest statted king on site. Patrolling sub males get less skill than hunters making more of their stats able to pass. Make killer bank without much effort. The staff keep things fair so more folks are happy. Some folks will argue stats don't matter but they do play a role in battle grinding so technically they do matter.

If you really want to king him you'll make room to avoid such mistake. It's not that hard to get GB. Especially if you participate in the monthly events. It's not ideal but you can easily sell event items while the event is going on.

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