Posted by Vedbæk Mesolithic Cemetery Lady & Baby

⚔️ Zuki 🛡️ (#107708)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-09 02:03:08
The story is like that:

"A young woman from Vedbaek, Denmark, buried with her baby son who had been placed on a swan's wing, c 4000 BC

Vedbaek 'swan wing burial' Grave 8 is the most famous of the burials, contains a young woman, who may have died in childbirth, and a premature baby.

The symbolism of the baby on the swan wing has been much debated with suggestions including purity and the ability of a water bird to transcend water, land and air.

Certainly both bodies were cared for in death (the disorderly state of the mother’s ribs suggest that she may have been resting on an organic ‘pillow’), which suggests a belief that the spirit remained with the body."

My Suggest

To make a Swan white wings decor as a bedding under lioness or cubs im not good with drawing but i just like the idea and i wish it was there here

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Edited on 09/04/23 @ 02:04:26 by ⚔️ Zuki 🛡️ (#107708)

the one who praises
Orange (#198713)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-29 12:03:32
oh I never heard of this, pretty interasting, and I like idea. there is... something so sweet about it, I can't really explain it. support

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