Posted by Raffle!!!!!!

eierp; ♥ (#409291)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-11 10:17:05
• Don't ask for your currency back. You paid ticket and you can't take it back!
• Don't be bad if you didn't get something cool. Here is a chance.
. Decorations, Lions & Items!

Ticket price: 500
2 Tickets price: 1000 or 1
Chance: 100%
Egg Yolk - 1 number
Black Stallion - 1 number
Yohimbe Bark - 3 numbers
Buffalo Scrotum - 6 numbers
Lion Scrotum - 8 numbers

How it works?
1. You need to choose number. from 1 to 90
2. You need to send currency to me.
3. I'm saying what was under your number and sending it!
4. .

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