grassman 🌱 | project (#243884)
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Posted on 2023-04-13 12:10:46
yeah i like the wardrobe. a lot.
just to keep track of it alll,,
the goal is to make a design for every base in the game!
warm naturals/semi-nats [ brown, cream, yellow, orange ]
warm unnats [ red, orange, yellow, pink ]
dull cools [ greens, blues, purples, grays ]
list of bases: you can really tell i love wasting time
aardwolf, abyssinian , alabaster, albino , almond, amber, ammonite, ancestral, angelic, anjeer, ankh, antler, anubis, apricot, arabica , arctic, ardor, argent , asali, ashen, asiatic, aspen , astral, atlas, auburn, aufeis, augur, azalea
bandit , baste, beige, birch, bisque, bisquit, black, black rose , blazing, blonde, blood moon, bloodbourne, bloodstone, blue poinsettia, blush rose, bone , brass, brimstone, bronze, brown, buff, bushveld , buttercream, buttermilk, butternut
cairngorm , camel, cameo, caramel, cedar, celestial, celsian, champagne , chaos, chartreux, chatoyant, cherry blossom, chestnut, chocolate, cinnabar, citrine, citron, clear white , cloudburst , cocoa, copper, cotton candy, cream, cream darker, cream lighter, cremello, cretaceous
damu, dark brown, dark fawn, dark golden, dark vanilla, dawn, decennial, deep fawn , deira, demiurge, demonic, deshret, dhahabi, dikela, dinar, divine, doubloon , dove gray, duat, ducat, dun, dusty, dusty rose
ebony, eggshell, elysian, ember, ennead, ethereal
fallow, fawn, festive, fiery, flamingo, flaxen, flint, fossil, frostbitten, fuchsia, fulvous
gilded, ginger, glacial, glass, goldenrod, goridhe, gray, green, gregarious , grullo, guardian, gunmetal gray
haliotis, hallowed, haruspex, haunted, haze, hazelnut, heavenly, hellebore, hematite, henna, hexaplex, hibiscus, hirola, hoarfrost, honey, howlite, hyena
ice, incense, inferno, inpu, interstellar, isabel, ivory
jacana, jacinthe, jet
khaki, kimanjano, korat , kunzite
labradorite, lemon, leonid, light cream, light golden, lilac , linen, liver, locust, luteo
maat , madagascar, mahogany, majivu, maltese, manakbir, mandarin, maroon , marula, mauve, maziwa , medal, medium golden, merlot, meteorite, mistletoe, mobola, mongoose, moonstone, moss agate, mudstone, mulberry, mummy, murk
nacarat, nacre, nadir, nautilus, nefer, noctis, nudar, nuummite
oatmeal, obsidian, ochre, ogdoad , olive, onyx, opal, orchid , ornament
palomino, parhelion, peach, pearl, pecan, penumbra, persimmon, pewter, phantom, platinum, prismatic, protea, prune, pulsar
ra , ragdoll, redwood, reindeer, rhino, rhodonite, rhubarb, rime, ripe, rose gold, rosy brown, rough ruby, ruddy, ruffian, rufous , russet, rust
saffron, sahara, sandy, sapela, savannah, scoundrel, seer, sepia , serruria, seth, sha, shard, shedua, sidereal, sienna, silver, silver gray, skeletal, skyward, slate, smog, snowflake, solaris, sorrel, soul, spectre, sphinx, squall, steele, sterling , stratosphere, styx, sulphur, sundust, sunflower, sunglow, sunrise, sunset, sunshine, sunspot, supernal, sutekh
tan, taupe, tawny, teardrop, temporal, titanium, topaz , triumph, trophy
ubaste, udara, ukame, umber
vagabond, vandal, vanilla, velvet , victor
water hyacinth, wepwawet, wheaten, white, wicked, wild rose, willow, windfall, wine
zarafshan, zarasa, zarbanu , zarin, zer, zivar
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Edited on 12/06/23 @ 16:41:29 by grassman (#282830)