Posted by Natural Heir

StarSailor g3 ferus (#134080)

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Posted on
2023-04-19 10:30:45
Looking for a more natural heir, not a colorbomb. Would be replaced by a clean ferus, smilus, or pie so heritage or stats don't matter. All marks should be considered "natural" (or just not colorbomb marks)

Marking colors I'm looking for: bandit, ruffian, almond, bone, fiery, fulvous, ginger, goridhe, gregarious, hirola, kimanjano, jacana, locust, swarm, ukame, windfall, and white
* Id like as many breed only/raffle marks as I can BUT I have no issue with other marks if they help make the design work

Must Have:
Royal mane
**the more Tier 6 marks the better (i.e. fawn, okapi, quagga/inverted quagga, some feralis/ghost feralis)
Any rosette (especially the inverted variations in fiery or goridhe)

Prefer but don't absolutely need:
Dunt or burnish eyes (breed only)
Any feline except feline 6 or 9
Lace (especially almond, bone, or white)
Mottled vents
Vitiligo (not white)
Breed only bases, don't have a specific one in mind so long as it fits the theme- don't necessarily need one though, I'm fine with using an app for a base

Can use apps for:
Jasper, earth, or intense salt eyes
Base- would like to use triumph base, might change mind later on
Mane color isn't a big deal

I'm not in a rush so I'm gonna picky, please don't take it personally if I turn your offer down. Let me know how much you're asking. The less work I have to do on the heir, the more I'm willing to spend up front. Would like to keep initial costs under 20gb but willing to make an exception for the perfect lion (and if I don't have to mut/heir rep with something clean and low gen, I'll pay even more). Thanks!

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Edited on 19/04/23 @ 14:10:37 by Birdy (#134080)

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