Posted by Heritage Checker!

Cocytus|G2 Piebald
clean (#371963)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-20 16:46:16
For a price I can help you check lions of their cleaniness! 50sb per lion that is below G7, and lions above G7, for every 5gens, the price increases by 25sb. If you want me to check for the Big 4, you need to pay 35sb extra. If you want me to tell you how many times the lion has been inbred, add 35sb. If you want me to tell you the exact pairs of inbreeding, add 50sb on top of the 35sb. I also do bundle discounts! For ever 10 lions bundled together, you get 20sb off! For every 25 lions bundled together, you get 55 sb off! For every 50 lions bundled together, you get 100 sb off!!!

Please don't rush me through if there are others before you. You will be on a waiting list though. You need to send over half the payment before I start doing whatever you request for. PAY UP OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.


Your username + id:
Number of lions to be checked:
Links to the lions and their gen:

I will msg you about your request when I get to it, but if you don't pay within two days you will be skipped and given a warning. Three warnings is a blacklist.

1. Username - No. of lions - Payment progress - Price

1. Username - Reason for ban - length of ban


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Edited on 20/04/23 @ 20:15:32 by Obsidian |G2 Piebald clean (#371963)

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