Posted by Item Drops from Food

The Celestial (G1
Hellebore) (#38059)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 04:03:21
When you feed your lions from their page or your hoard (not with FAPA) there's a chance for some of the carcasses to drop items, mostly amusement items but also craftables. I think we could expand the list of carcasses that can drop items a little with a few other carcasses and items.
The existing carcasses and item drops are hidden beneath this spoiler to take up less space

Carcasses that could be added with drop ideas:
Bunny/Fluffy Bunny/Hare Carcass = Lucky Foot?
Crane Carcass = Crane Feather
Crocodile Carcass = Crocodile Scale
Drowned Cow Carcass = Cow Skull
Drowned Rhino Carcass = Rhino Skull
Drowned Warthog Carcass = Broken Tusk
Drowned Wildebeest Carcass = Guilt Trip
Drowned Zebra Carcass = Rib Bone
Elephant Carcass = Elephant Skull OR Broken Elephant Tusk?
Giant Forest Hog/Warthog Carcass = Broken Tusk
Goose Carcass = Egyptian Goose Feather
Herald Snake Carcass/Twig Snake Carcass = Snake Scent AND/OR Snake Skin - Dark AND/OR Snake Skull?
Kudu Carcass = Kudu Horn
Sable Antelope Carcass = Sable Horns
Wildebeest Carcass = Guilt Trip

For those thinking "Well definitely not Kudu Horn because that's a stat item!", so is Camel Toes and they're already a possible drop and for that reason alone I can't see why not add Kudu Horn?

These are just some ideas of what could be added! Feel free to comment with your own carcass and drop suggestions and/or constructive criticism

This suggestion has 40 supports and 1 NO support.

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mel ☾︎ (#411118)

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Posted on
2023-05-12 13:08:12

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! Vee [G3
Constellation Rift] (#322218)

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Posted on
2023-05-12 13:09:03

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o_o (#237810)

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Posted on
2023-05-12 13:11:50
wait snake carcasses are a thing lmao

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