Posted by Cub aging
nick (#373624)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 13:19:28
Just to remember, when a adol ages to adult, they get in heat in 8 irl days right? Not 3

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 13:23:52
First - rollovers, not real life days! If you dont rollover, she wont get into heat faster, her days will stay frozen along with her until you rollover.
Her heat time depends on random chance and how they aged. Mostly, lionesses are born that way so, when they born and age naturally, they get into heat in 5 rollovers. BUT there's a small random chance for it to be a different day.
Also it changes if you instant birth the litter, and then if you age the cub at any point. That will also change what day she comes in heat, from 8 days till heat to starting in heat with 3 days left. The heats "count" from the cub's conception day, and then proceed to be counted behind the scenes until its old enough to show them.

SO if you instant birth the lioness, and the cub then ages naturally to 1 year old from which point you raise it to adult - yes, it will often start at 8 days till heat. BUT it might also be a different day, there's a random chance for that too. OR it will change depending on which days exactly you raise the cub on.

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Edited on 21/04/23 @ 13:27:06 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 13:27:42
I'm not sure the chance is random, but I haven't figured out the criteria. It seems that cubs born from an IBF tend to go into heat at 2y 8mo. That said, I don't have actual logged information regarding it

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