Posted by Kollectors Korner

Jayyy (Clean G3
Dorsal Pie) (#281000)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-22 08:06:40

Kollectors Korner

What I provide

Here at Kollectors Korner, I work to provide a variety of items and lions at a reasonable price. These items include: Event decor, common explore decor, craftables, base and marking apps. Lions I may provide are: Uncommon bases, tier 3+ markings, special eye colors, muties. On my branch is where I provide the items and i will have multiple active trades going for lions and more! I also except donations! Any little items you don't need or want you can feel free to send over to me! We also provide kill services for those who don't want bad karma!
My Branch

My Trades

Common to Uncommon items

Rare to special items



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Edited on 02/07/23 @ 17:32:38 by Rae (#281000)

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