Posted by Rate & Create! (Design Fun!)
lucid-chaos (#193999)

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Posted on
2023-04-22 16:55:40
I figured this could be a fun game to play with others, as i love to design random lions and show my friends! So here goes a new idea: why don't we all create lions, show each other, and then rate them and give opinions? It'll be a good way to get better at designing, and seeing others creativity! Lets play!

(Generally, we can just go like this:

Person 1: I really like the design above me, the colors really pop! The decor adds a fun touch too :)
here's my lion: link

Person 2: Wow! Love the use of the markings on that one, really nicely done with the background
here's my lion! link)

Please don't be mean or rude about peoples designs! Constructive critcism is welcome, as long as you are tact and kind.

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lucid-chaos (#193999)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-22 16:56:02
Here's my first lion design! I call him the Frog King! it was a fun way to try to incorporate froggies!

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