Posted by ♥ clean unholy pon heat raffle ♥

(IT/ITS) (#175537)

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Posted on
2023-04-22 20:00:46
raffle is up! click~

link to her page

this is lilith, and her line has been blessed for me so far. <3 she's passed her mut twice and throws mottled rosettes every once in a while as well!

i'm raffling off her second-to-last natural heat (when she hits 11 years & 2 months); she'll be slowly aged on my side in the meantime (rolled once a week & during the wet season). the raffle ends may 21st, a few days before her cooldown ends - i'll PM the winner from this account before rolling my side the day of her heat, to avoid adding any days to her cooldown.

she is already equipped with an angelic blessing & i am happy to cover stud fees up to 500 SB. any other breeding items that the winner might want to use (buffalo scrotum, lion meat, etc) or additional stud fees will need to be provided by them.

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Edited on 27/04/23 @ 00:20:43 by laprine (it/they) (#175537)

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