1. You ARE NOT allowed to sell the CSS I make for you ANYWHERE. The only exception is editing the template, mainly because the template code is not made by me but the amazing Katie.
2. Do not remove or change credits. The credits listed are Katie for the template, and me for the CSS.
3. I will ask for payment after your CSS is finished to insure that I don't cheat you out of any payment you are sending. Anything you don't like about the CSS, I will add an extra 5 per thing to fix (only if the CSS has been completed). Otherwise I expect nothing extra for fixing.
4. You are required to answer all questions in the form. If you fail to do so, your commission will be ignored.
5. If you feel I am taking too long, please reach out to me. I am either going through something in my life or needing a break. If this wait times reaches 3 weeks, please just respectfully decline your commission and I will have no problem with that.
1. 4 Theme Colors.
2. Select an Image
3. Normal Cursor
4. Normal Cave Images
5. Normal Lioden Logo
6. Simple Font [Google Fonts ONLY]
7. Selection of 1-3 Small Boxes
8. One-Color Box Container
Normal Package - 250
1. 5 Theme colors.
2. Simple Background Image.
3. Normal Cursor.
4. Normal Cave Images.
5. Lioden logo: Custom or an item from Lioden
6. Any font [Only Google Fonts]
7. Custom king profile shape.
8. Selection of 1-2 Small boxes and 1-2 Medium Boxes
9. Two-Color or Fade Box Container Background
10. 1-2 Gradients
Special Package - 450
1. 6 Theme Colors.
2. Complex Background Image.
3. Normal Cursor.
4. Cave+Mound only (no pregnant lioness, pride overview, or unsorted)
5. Lioden logo: Custom (you must already have the custom logo) or an item from Lioden
6. Any Font [Google Fonts only]
7. Custom King profile shape
8. Custom Chat Box
9. Selection of 1-3 Small boxes, 1-3 Medium Boxes, and 1-2 Large Boxes
10. Box Container Gradient
11. 3-4 Gradients
Elite Package - 600 or 1
1. 8+ Theme colors
2. Any Background
3. Custom cursor
4. ALL Cave+Mound images
5. Lioden Logo: Custom (you must have the custom logo) or Lioden Item
6. Any Font [Google Fonts only]
7. Custom King profile shape
8. Custom Chat Box
9. Rounded/Box Radius's
10. Selection of as many boxes as you want.
11. Box Container Background OR Gradient
12. Any Gradients
Full Package - 850 or 1 ( amount may increase if your commission involves more difficult things)
Freedom to anything of your choice, though this does require giving me resources to EVERYTHING, including specifics.
Custom Package - 1000 or 2
This package has no specifics, I take literally anything you give me and I will customize it entirely. This gives you freedom to an unlimited amount of anything
Surprise Package - Your own amount
This package gives you no choice besides a theme! I will choose any images, colors, gradients, boxes, etc. The only thing you need to do is give me a theme and an amount of SB you'll be paying. The higher the amount of SB there is, the more things that will be put into the code.
➻Main Male Background PFP - Free
(basically takes the background of your main male icon on your den page and makes it an image of your choice)
➻Pride/Main Male Dynasty, Achievements, Showcase images - 2 per picture.
commission form
Please answer the following questions in one single post.
1. Package (Which package are you purchasing?)
2. Theme?
-Give some examples
3. Any extra add-ons?
-Boxes, or anything from the CSS Add Ons.
-I don't require you to choose one, but it is recommended.
4. Payment Type
-This does not need to be anything but SB, unless you are choosing a package with a gb option. If you select a package with a gb option, you can decide between gb or sb.
5. Slot? (ex. 1, 2, 3, 4)
6. Yes or No: May I use your CSS as a free code?
〖 examples 〗
some past commissions (not all)
1. Nightshade
2. Pink Skies
3. Orange Skies - #350612
4. Eerie Lake - #304061
5. Dark Theme
6. Morning Doves
7. Omori - #439769
8. Late Night
9. Lavender
10. Hogwarts (rainbow gradients + a few parts done by me, most by a friend)