Posted by Would like some help please!

Kira [Side] (#352322)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-27 12:50:46
I have a question and hope someone can help me!

I am trying to breed mostly Majivu on my side account, but also Celestial, Frostbitten, Ice, and Stratosphere... problem is, I have too many lionesses now. I need to thin the pride a bit. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time figuring out which base colors to keep going... if I want Majivu, Celestial, Frostbitten, Ice, and Stratosphere base colors, should I get rid of any lioness that doesn't have those colors? TIA

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7/7/23!] (#422653)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-27 13:03:26
Most of those bases are useful for combo base breeding as combo bases are quite valuable but a bit time consuming, I am not sure about stratosphere but If you are trying to keep to those bases, I would suggest keeping 10-20 slots at least for those bases overall!

Rime= Orchid x Arctic/ Aufeis/ Frostbitten/Glacial/ Hoarfrost /Ice/ Snowflake During wet season in daytime

Majivu= Ukame x Ashen/ Dusty/ Haze During Dry season

Hoarfrost= Interstellar x Arctic/ Aufeis/Frostbitten/ Glacial/Ice/Snowflake During Wet season at night

Elysian= Ice x Divine/ Ebony

Cairngorm= Celestial/Ice/Sidereal/Skyward x Cocoa/ Ethereal/ Pearl/ Slate

Snowflake= Albino x Arctic/ Aufeis/ Frostbitten/ Glacial/ Ice

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