Posted by Clan hoard exchange Request!

☆🦎Gryffin ☆

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Posted on
2023-04-28 12:39:15

Owner/Admin of a clan?

Would you want to be able to have an open hoard without the fear of being scammed?

I for sure do!

But the problem with an open hoard...
Is that people can take from it, and not give anything back...

Well I have a solution!
It would, for sure require some coding from the admins, so we cant expect this to be added, or ever implemented into the site, but I can still share my idea:

Transfer request!
How would that work?
So, we only have Closed or Open hoard option, but what if we had the "Transfer Request" option too?

Basically, if this option is chosen, any member from the clan could send a request directly to the clan, it could work similarly as private trades, but within a clan!

So, this would pretty much make a private trade, visible to all clan members but that can only be accepted/rejected by clan admins or owner! There could even be categories, to make it easier to sort: Carcasses being a category, cause, we wouldn't be able to chose what needs to be requested and what wouldn't, that would be too much to ask!

So instead, we would have the opportunity to request an item without offering, but you cant get said item until one of the admins accept!

Example of how the request could look:

You might say: "But we can do this by pm'ing admins!"

Well, yeah, your right. but with this, any admin of a clan could accept or reject! This would be especially useful since the site's Mods and admins cant intervene in clan matters, as clans are supposed to be "Self-Moderated"

This suggestion has 25 supports and 1 NO support.

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