Posted by More Beetle Info Please!!

Kry [G1 1.3k Hexedi
RLC] (#287823)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-05-01 03:58:32

I'm starting to get into beetle battling / breeding for stats, just to see what exactly I can get the beetles to.

The wiki is kinda vague about how stat passes work...

"The babies will always get the species base stats, and a bonus from both parents’ stats. There is also a random chance that the babies will get +/- 3 stats when they are hatched. "

1. Is there somewhere on the wiki or a way to look via in game, to see what each beetle species has as base stats?
2. How does the bonus from the parents' stats work exactly? is it based on each individual category? Or is it overall stats that is then split up randomly into each category?
---Ex. base stats are 10. Dad has 5/5/2 and mom has 2/2/7, so will the babies pull from each category and potentially result in 5/5/7 at most? or will it be 10+ 1 or 2?

Hopefully those questions make sense. Thanks.

So the other day I bred a ~27 stat female with a ~32 stat male, and the baby came out with 20 stats...

How is this making sense?

Honestly, I feel like however this is currently working, should be changed lol
It could be as easy as:
baby has a 50/50 chance to receive either parents stats from each category - it could inherit all the best stats between both, or it could inherit none, or a mix...

It just does not make sense to me that when you breed 2 high stat beetles together, the baby results in way less stats.

In the very least, I need a confirmation of whether or not its physically possible to produce beetles with more than ~22 stats on birth, since so far thats the highest I've gotten and these last few batches have all been ~20 stats, despite both parents actually having closer to 30 stats each.

I can't personally discern any actual pattern in how the stats are currently passing.

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Edited on 15/05/23 @ 02:30:42 by Krysa [S: G2Pris|Clouded|10m] (#287823)

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Ladwick (#12065)

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Posted on
2023-05-02 23:48:13
Base stats, if I am remembering correctly, are more linked to the the rarity of the species. If that makes sense.
Common - 10
Uncommon - 12
Rare - 15
I could not find anything confirming this at the moment though.

I can't find anything for your second question. D:

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Kry [G1 1.3k Hexedi
RLC] (#287823)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-05-03 00:52:56
Thank you! Even if its not necessarily confirmed it still helps to know how it may be determined. I can start comparing beetles I get based on rarity to see if that is true ^^

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