Posted by Frozen
Moony (#401185)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2023-05-01 10:05:41
How do i freeze lions? And does it just make them stop aging?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-05-01 10:44:12
There are two ways to "freeze" a lion. To freeze one indefinitely (a lethal cub, or an old unbreedable hybrid for example) you need to use a Jellyfish item. Turritopsis Jellyfish is 5 GB in the oasis and works on any adult lion. Regular Jellyfish is available in the Slots game and works on cubs. Otherwise, you can use Canopic Jellyfish on any lion stored in your dead lion Dynasty. It's available in the June event.

To temporarily freeze a lion (if you don't have a crunchy worm for a Raffle Lioness or a Buffalo Scrotum for a hybrid, and need to wait until the events they are available in) you simply need to not roll over your account. Lions don't age unless your account rolls over, so you can preserve them in a breedable state by keeping them on an account that doesn't roll.

Hope this helps!

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