Posted by what base should I give my king?!

MorningStar -G1
Wicked Nun (#26098)

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Posted on
2023-05-09 06:26:55
I cant decide between the two! help me pick!
I am going to give him crested mane soon, partly cus of the breeding challenge and partly because its nicer than his current one -- and you'll have to imagine his mane as pink (fuchsia) as it's still broken :( but I cant choose between these two bases:


Trophy: (i'm still collecting the bits for the applicator for this)

here he is now for ref:

suggestions on other marks to give him is also welcome.
It would have probably been cheaper to buy a replacement, buy the time Im done, but this has been more fun!
prehaps one day I'll be able to afford him a pied app or something XD (I can dream)

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Edited on 09/05/23 @ 06:27:32 by morningstar1 (#26098)

Nameko (Haze RLC) (#214770)

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Posted on
2023-05-14 01:02:09
Personally like Trophy, it adds more to the red

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