Posted by Lokis Adoptables!!

AngelProject (#328268)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-05-09 12:17:34
Hey there hi there ho there!

-You will recieve the un-watermarked version of the art upon purchase
-If you are to post the character I would like to be credited for the character but i will not be angry if you dont
-I will allow mixed pays as long as they equal up to the amount of the adopT!
-I only accept lioden currency
-If the items you give for payment end up over the amount required I am happy to save that as credit for a future purchase

Item values! (in gb only, based on branch prices at time of posting)
Lion Meat - 6gb
Lion Scrotum - 20gb
Crunchy Worm - 15gb
Black Stallion - 2gb
Zebra Heart - 2gb
Mukombero - 100gb

price - 10gb / 10000sb

price - 15gb / 15000sb

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Edited on 09/05/23 @ 12:20:22 by AngelProject (#328268)

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