Posted by Apps for sale! Need Geebs for side heir!

Flowerbomb G1 Dawn
Splash (#285319)

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Posted on
2023-05-12 10:56:06
Heya folks, I'm selling a bunch of stuff so that I can get the geebs to replace my current king on my alt with my 5x dawn and then mut rep him to a g2 daedal, so... please, buy my shit. Thank you.

Haliotis (34GB)
Dust: Rough Ruby (9GB)
Cretacous Body (3GB)
Parhelion (2GB)
Shard Body (4GB)
Penumbra (2GB)
Phantom (4GB)

Please let me know if any of these interest you, thanks!

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Edited on 12/05/23 @ 10:57:00 by Toffee G2 Azalea Daedal (#285319)

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