Posted by What should I buy (Event currency)

dm me the word melon (#316252)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-05-14 09:56:09
Exactly what the title says I am struggling with choosing what to buy because I want to know what stuff would be worth more when the even is over and it's no longer available also this is year round so for all even currencies (this was made in May so may event currency help is preferred for the time that it is the may event and then when it changes events some help for that event would be nice and this thread can help others who are struggling)

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✨ Paipa | G2 BO
Heavy Khnum (#98498)

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Posted on
2023-05-14 10:50:05
Lion scrotums are wanted year around. Yes, they are expensive outside February, but you can get good money from them in a few months' time. Base applicators are always good to get too if you can or need something cheaper to spend your last currency on the day before the event ends. I also always stock up on body paints (some are also named war paints) because I love to use them to decorate my lions all the time. I have most lion companion style decors already from the last years, but if you like some buy them if you can ^^

But yeah, always look out on events for breeding items (scrotes, GMO cow, etc), marking and base applicators etc first if you want to get a lot of GB outside that event month.

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