This is my first guide so please DM me ways to help people understand it, as im not very good at eplaining. Here i will be listing items, where you can find/ get them, how much they cost, and what they overall are meant for.
CRB/cotton root bark- Causes your lioness to lose her current litter, and have a possibility of a mutated cub in her next litter (Feed to lioness)
Lion meat- A large chance that your lioness’s next litter contains a mutation. (Feed to lioness)
Lion balls/lion scrotum- A large chance to have a mutated cub in your next litter (25% per cub) *CANNOT BE USED ON HYBRIDS* (Feed to lioness)
Pennyroyal-Boosts chance of mutation for your lioness’s next litter. Boosted chance of getting Ferus, if both parents are Ferus. *PRIMAL ONLY* (Feed to stud)
GMO cow- Give to your lioness to give her a 50-100% chance of having a mutation in her litter. (Feed to lioness)
Mukombero- Guarantees your lioness have one mutated cub in her next litter (Ferus) *LIONESS MUST BE NON-MUTATED* (Feed to lioness)
Grain of paradise- Guarantees your lion has a minimum of 2 cubs (Feed to stud)
Buffy balls/buffalo scrotum- Guarantees your lioness’s next litter has three cubs (Feed to lioness)
IBF/instant cub delivery/instant birth feather- Use on your pregnant lioness to make her give birth immediately. *MAKE SURE SHE IS NESTED* (Feed to lioness)
Roasted vulture- Increases your male’s next litters speed stats (Feed to stud)
Shamanistic stew- Increases your male’s next litters strength stats (Feed to stud)
Rock salt- Next litter inherits skin color of chosen parent *MUST USE ON PARENT THAT YOU WANT THEIR SKIN COLOR TO BE INHERITED* (Feed to chosen lion)
Opal saltlick-Next litter inherits eye color of chosen parent *MUST USE ON PARENT THAT YOU WANT THEIR EYE COLOR TO BE INHERITED* (Feed to chosen lion)
Red cock- Ensures that your males next litter is completely male (Feed to stud)
Great tit- Ensures that your lions next litter is fully female (Feed to stud)
Crunchy worm- Give to a lioness to give her a 25% chance that her cub will have the same appearance *DOES NOT COPY MUTATION* (Feed to lioness)
Ochre gnawrock- Guarantees that ONE marking (of your choice) gets passed down successfully *CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE ON BOTH PARENTS & MUST USE ON PARENT THAT YOU WANT THEIR MARKING TO BE INHERITED* (Feed to either)
Ochre saltlick- Guarantees that all cubs have the exact mane shape and base color as selected parent *MUST USE ON PARENT THAT YOU WANT THEIR MANE SHAPE/BASE TO BE INHERITED* (Feed to either)
Heat items:
Zebra heart- Makes your lioness go into heat immediately *ONLY IF SHE IS NOT ON A BREEDING COOLDOWN* (Feed to lioness)
Black stallion- Use to get a lioness of any fertility pregnant on the first try! *CANNOT BE USED ON INFERTILE LIONS* (Feed to lioness)
Yoh bark-yohimbe bark- Reduces lioness’s breeding cooldown by one day, unless all cubs are aged/chased. (Feed to lioness)
Baobab fruit- Increases your lioness’s heat by one day *CANNOT BE USED ON HER FIRST DAY OF HEAT* (Feed to lioness)
Shadow of death- Ages a lioness by 1 day per Shadow, and shortens cooldowns. If the lioness is pregnant, it will auto age cubs by 1 day *IF SHE IS ON HER LAST DAY OF PREGNANCY, IT WILL AUTO-BIRTH CUBS* (Feed to lioness)
Studding items-
Cape bulrush- Gives your lion an extra 3 studding slots a week (Feed to stud)
Fertility items:
Vuka vuka- Use to PERMANENTLY change a lioness’s fertility to a desired fertility range *CANNOT CHOOSE GODDESS OR INFERTILE & EXACT PERCENTAGE CANNOT BE CHOSEN* (Feed to lioness)
Chasteberry- Increases a lioness’s fertility by 10% *CAN ONLY BE USED 4 TIMES ON ONE LIONESS* (Feed to lioness)
Angelic blessing- Use this to guarantee that your female get pregnant on the first attempt. *CANNOT BE USED ON INFERTILE LIONS & EFFECT IS PERMANENT UNTIL UNEQUIPPED* (Equip to lioness via decor)
Tackweed- Lowers a lions fertility by 10% each time used *CAN ONLY BE USED UNTIL SHE REACHES A TEMPERARY 1% FERTILITY* (Feed to lioness)
Hyena meat- Lowers a lioness’s fertility permanently down to 1% *CAN BE USED ON INFERTILE LIONESS’S) (Feed to lioness)