Posted by Items im selling in my hoard!

Daedal|Echo|366st (#425452)

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Posted on
2023-05-15 06:52:45
Hi! I need a lot of GB for a project here's a list of everything I'm selling I will update it every day!
Prices are based on the lowest TC or Branch sales price!
-Ancestral Battle Mask (5 Uses)
Price: 1GB or 500SB
-Baby Crocidile (5 Uses)
Price: 1GB or 1000SB
-Bloody Feast (8 uses)
Price: 1GB or 500SB
- Ethereal Fur (2 stacked) (1 use Each)
Price: 1GB or 400SB
- Fossil Fur (1 Use)
Price: 200SB

- Camel Spider (2 uses)
Price: 4GB or 4000SB
-Carcass Background (5 Stacked) (1 use Each)
Price: 80SB
-Carpenter Bee [1] (1 use)
Price: 30SB
-Catnip (5 Uses)
Price: 350SB
-Darwins Bark Spider (3 Uses)
Price: 15SB

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Edited on 15/05/23 @ 12:01:31 by Daedal|Echo|334st (#425452)

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