Posted by Personality suggestions?

🦎Rango (Main)
81/?? gifts (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-05-15 16:36:56
Off-putting (neutral): When a lioness is in heat in your pride, her fertility drops 5%. (Excludes infertile, goddess, and 5% fertility or lower)

Charming/Romantic (kind): When a lioness is in heat in your pride, her fertility raises 5%. (Excludes infertile, goddess, and 95% fertility or higher).

Thrifty/Stingy (snarky): Get an extra 1-5sb per item sold to the monkey business, ability to remove a requirement from the gorilla cub quests.

Sleepy (good): Extra chance to get energy boosts from explore.
*the ones where your lion takes a rest and you get like 9-15 energy

Sneaky (evil): Able to chase off cubs under 5mo without the mother's mood dropping.

Fertile (neutral): Lower chance to father 1 cub litters.
*not a huge boost, just a little. many have suffered the 1 cub litter curse lmao

Consider supporting and adding suggestions!

This suggestion has 14 supports and 6 NO supports.

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🦎Rango (Main)
81/?? gifts (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-05-16 09:42:27
If no support, can I know if there is a reason?

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˚ʚ🩷ɞ˚ tawny |
12BO Chatreux (#254590)

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Posted on
2023-05-16 11:38:55
I'm unsure on how i feel about these. Some of them feel a bit broken, like the extra SB one, or the lower chance to have 1 cub litters.

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✧|Tacatto|✧ Haze
RLC (#25830)

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Posted on
2023-05-17 20:51:15
The only one I would consider supporting is Sneaky. Unfortunately I am clicking no supporting because I dont support the others.

The ones that raise/lower the ferts: I feel like it would be more of an annoyance than anything. I can see them potentially added but Im not a fan of the idea

Thrifty: you already get bulk deals, adding on more SB could make the SB market worse. I easily get 4k from food every 3 days. With this personality it could easily be 5-6k+ and it might be good for starter kings only with no way to pass, to help get newbies a helping hand. But over all I feel it could make a hit at the market.

Sleepy: we already have an energy boost personality. Having one that gives energy while exploring could be an issue. We already have items that boost energy and you already have the encounters that give energy. Maybe if the personality was you get 10 energy every 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes, or something of the sorts, I would reconsider.

Fertile: it is a neat idea but we have items to boosts litter count. You can easily get some during the months they are out and be set. You can always plan things accordingly and grind in those months if you want.

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