Posted by Auction Help

Juno (#257349)

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Posted on
2023-05-17 06:58:46
I didn't know what board to post this under, but this one works the best. I want to set up an auction forum for a couple lions I have. I hope someone can help me set it up, if you know how please PM me here or on discord. I'll have more to explain, but I'll explain some of it here.

Discord: Burger & Fries Hopper#7598 (Yes there are spaces and its spelled like that)

Auction Desc: I took screenshots of the lions when they grow up and I want to learn how to auction them off like how some people set it up. Kind of like Example: Roman's Lion Auction . So if anyone could help me with that, that'd be so nice!

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Juno (#257349)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-05-17 06:59:21
Ok so the link didn't work, but if you guys know roman's lion auction. . Something like that.

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