Posted by 😻Juno's Lion Auction!😻 (OPEN)

Juno (#257349)

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Posted on
2023-05-18 15:07:19

Lion Auction!

❕I may remove a lion from auction at ANY time! if you have the last bid on that lion, i will PM you to see if you would like to buy them! otherwise, they will be up in my trades❕ HERE
✅you will be notified Via PM if you have been outbid by another player on a lion!✅
❕please only bid on ONE lion at a time! it gets too confusing otherwise!❕
❗do NOT beg me for lions OR harass other players for the lions that they won/bid on❗
❕auto buying is first come first served!!❕
❕you can bid on a lion again, but number your bids so i can tell them apart!❕
❕IF bidding reaches or goes over the auto buy price, the lion cannot be auto bought unless the highest bidder removes their bid!❕
❕if you would like to remove your bid on a lion, you can!❕
❗all purchases/payments are FINAL!❗
❕when bidding ends, i will PM the winner! after, i will set up a private trade. if that trade expires before the lion is bought, it will be re-entered into the auctions!❕


❗This post is updated DAILY! the only reason that i do not update it immediately is that i am offline to either sleep or IRL stuff! so no worries with your bid not being added because it will!❗
❕lions are shown as adults, but may not be weaned yet!❕
❕all are sex changeable unless stated otherwise!❕
❕names are above the first picture! the pictures are clickable links that lead to the lion!❕
❕first picture is the lion as they are, second picture is 100% opacity! male lions will be shown the same way, but with a female version as well if they are sex changeable!❕
❕poses and backgrounds do NOT come with the lion unless stated otherwise!❕
❕poses match personality!❕
❕I accept items as payment! they will be listed below↓↓❕
Sb= Starting bid
Mi= Minimum increase
Cb= Current bid
Ab= Auto buy

❕items CAN be used to bid on a lion and to Auto buy! if someone would like to bid higher than an item bid, their bid total MUST be higher than the item's worth!❕
**items and currency CAN be mixed!!-
EXAMPLE: 2+1 lion scrot= 32**

if you're bidding items, please list all of the items you are bidding, then the total worth of all of the itmes!
All poses= 1
IBF= 2
CRB= 1
Cub/adult sex changer= 1
Marking opacity changer= 2
Marking remover= 1
pennyroyal= 1
Zebra heart= 2
Vuka vuka= 3
Lion meat= 10
Total shuffle= 15
Yohimbe Bark= 19
Buffalo scrotum= 20
Lion scrotum= 20
PM me about marking/base apps!

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Edited on 22/05/23 @ 04:14:18 by Juno (#257349)

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