Posted by 40GB Raffle!

Big Nasty [G2
Clouded 6x Dawn] (#30780)

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Posted on
2023-05-19 00:28:17
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40gb raffle, winner takes all. Ends on 2023-05-23 at Midnight lioden time.
*No ticket limit

I would really appreciate it if I got buffies/grain, bases and poses!
**kunzite, ice, reindeer, meteorite
**evil, good

Items available to offer:
500sb or 1gb
Poses: all but neutral
Bases: Kunzite, Meteorite, Ice, Reindeer, Divine, Azalea
Markings: Sunset
Buffies or Grains
Eldritch Eye app
Marking Opacity
MODs: Overo, Tovero, Fissure
(these MODs are ones that I would love, but obviously 40gb cannot pay for them, I would really appreciate the kindness but not expected!)

-will end early if I get a multiple bases and poses
-will cancel if total tickets do not value 40gb! (very unlikely to happen)

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