Posted by just a question

Kali (#429930)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2023-05-22 15:04:00
i wanted to retire my old king (fang) since this my first time idk how it works like does all my lioness leave? or will caves be gone as well I'm also struggling on getting gb I've tried putting my lioness up (most of em anyways) and no one seems interested I've bumped the trades as often as i could but I did bye a pie balled ( i think that's how u say it) male lion that i wanted to be my king but I'm worried if i wait to long he will die or ill have to put him up for trade as well what other ways or how to make it easier to get gb

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SankuSame (#241736)

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Posted on
2023-05-22 15:11:48
No, you won't lose nothing when replacing your king. Every lioness will stay as well as you currency and other stuff
Male lions live up to 16 years (in game time) so you should be fine but your lions age goes to your king too so don't take too long to replace him

You can retire you king by going in his page and scroll to the every bottom where you will find a place that's says "Retire your king" or smt like that
Ih your king is 15years or older you can retire him for free, if not you will need to pay 10gb as a fee

For getting GB/SB i recommend you hunting and selling food, play the minigames (Serengeti shuffle is the one i recommend the most), buying event items and sell them later/wait for better prices etc

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Kali (#429930)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2023-05-22 15:25:52
thanks ik you could wait till he dies but all my cubs arent as pretty due to my kings genetics and the cubs are just taking up to much space witch is why i wanted to retire him but ive already put my pie balled lion up for trade now so ill just wait for a while

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