Posted by Many questions from a still clueless player

Neren0|G2 Elysian
Pie (#407794)

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Posted on
2023-05-23 08:33:13
Hi guys, pretty self explanatory title: been playing for 6 months and still got a few questions I couldn't find the answers to. Bear with me, I'm pretty slow on the uptake.

Well, here goes:

1. Do all lionnesses I chase have the same chances of appearing as a chased in explore ? Like if I chase a randomly generated one, does it also join the pool of "chased"? I noticed Groupies do, that's why I'm wondering. Also, if I claim a pretty chased girl, then chase her again, will she be claimable again in explore ?

2. I still don't understand the first thing about "roll order" for mutations, could someone break it down very easily for me ?

3. I know the exact chances haven't been reavealed, but from what you've seen in the site so far, how easy is it to get lethals / primals beside the basic one / pie and patches? Been trying for 6 months and well, not much luck so far ...

4. Same thing with Combo Bases, been breeding for them like crazy since the start and only ever get common bases lmao. Is the pass rate really that low ?

5. Any advice on how to get GB? Like a lot, because I do sell a bunch of food for 1GB, exchange SB for GB and all that but with how freaking expensive MODs are, I've been wondering if there was a better way.

6. Which events would you say are the best in terms of breeding possibilities? I'm still mad at myself for not spending a single event currency in February because I didn't even seen the buffies... don't want a redo of that one.

7. I got a chased Groupie today with a pretty rare raffle marking (32 lions in whole game), but got no idea if that makes her valuable. I'm not interested in keeping her, so I was wondering if there might be a thread or something with players looking specifically for these kind of lionnesses.

That's the main ones I can think of so far. Thanks for any advice given, and have a g'day~

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2023-05-23 08:51:19
1: Yes! All chased lionesses have a chance to appear as long as they are not too old when being chased. I believe they appear after 2 days but if you fail to claim one or leave/slap her she will be gone forever.

2: Leopon/ Overgrown Fur/ Tigon > Patches/Piebald> GMO Cow/Lion Meat > Cotton Root Bark > Natural Chance(fertility) > Lion Scrotum > Primal > Dorsal Fur

This is the roll order for mutations. That means this is the order the mutations will roll when deciding if the cub will or will not have a mutation. Hybrids or OG Fur is only if the mother is a hybrid or OG fur. That means nothing else can happen before deciding if you get one. Patches and pies roll next so if you breed to a pie/patch king/lady they have almost first dibs on the mutation chain. After that lion meat/gmo cow can take place and see if the item can work. CRB happens after lion meat and gmo cow which means you can use those items together. Gmo cow can work with CRB and give you rarer mutations! Fertility happens next but it is a super rare chance. Lion Scrotum works after that and then Primal and Dorsal fur. Other items like the dorsal fur boost or Mukumburo work differently.

3: Pies and Patches i believe is 5-10%. Getting a variant of primal is super difficult with a very very low chance so pennyroyal would be your best hope to get higher chances(still low though) Lethals are super hard to get with even lower odds then primal and pie/patch. If you want to try to breed a lethal try using CRBs, but be warned, you need a lot unkess you get lucky.

4: Combo bases have a low chance of passing. The normal passing rate for a Special(normal) x Special(normal) is 4% so I can only assume that breeding combo bases from patent x parent falls in a number lower than 4%

5: The best time to get MODs is black friday in November. You can buy them using IRL currency or you can try to buy them for cheaper GB prices because the market will be flooded with people trying to sell them. Right now the best way to get GB is buy the newest event App(base is usually more popular and expensive), sell food, exchange sb for gb, and generall just sell things. The market is a bit bad right now but if you are in it for the long run, grab a lot of male groupies and throw them on an unused account. In November they can sell for around 10gbs each as adols.

6: February offers a lot of breeding items and opportunities so that one seems to be the best chance unfortunately. You can check the event wiki to see what events offer what but February is the best for getting breeding items.

7: That is great! You can make a thread saying you are selling get but it depends on the marking. Some markings are more sought after because of color/shape but that is definitely a good grab!

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-05-23 09:19:02
1. The age window for lionesses to appear as Chased is between 2 and 10 years old I believe. It's something like a 50/50 chance at being deleted or showing up in explore if you chase them.

2. Tacatto already posted the roll order itself, but to put it as succinctly descriptive as I can: If the breeding meets the criteria for having the chance for a certain mutation to pop up (e.g hybrids) the cub(s) "roll" starting from the leftmost mutation on the list that it qualifies for. A Double Uterus litter wouldn't roll for the hybrid chance, for example, and it would also skip the Piebald chance if you use a nonmutated stud. If you breed a Leopon to a Primal king with no items, each cub would individually roll first for being hybrid; if it fails, it goes to the random chance of fertility; then it rolls for Primal. If none of the rolls "hit", the cub is not mutated. A cub only continues through the roll order if it hasn't hit a successful roll, so a hybrid cub has absolutely no chance of being overwritten as a Primal.

3+4. The pass rates aren't publicized but it's pretty low yeah. Gotta get lucky with RNG x)

5. Buy event items and sell them out of season. When 6 to 10 months have passed (especially for items only available in one or two events) people start to run out so prices go way up. For example, yohimbe barks can be bought DURING February for 3-8 GB each usually, and they are now around 20 each. I've seem them hit 30 GB in December as well. The best items are usually breeding items and apps, sometimes certain decor, but if you're not sure you can always ask in forums.

6. Your currency still stays until next year so you'll have a big payout in the upcoming February! September also has Gnaws and Ochre Saltlicks along with GMO Cows. October has Crunchy Worms.

7. If you go to the "Search Boards" tab in Chatter, you can probably find a thread or two by searching "rare slot"!

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Neren0|G2 Elysian
Pie (#407794)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 01:06:55
Thank you both very much, I can proudly say I now understand how the roll order works lmao. Thanks for all the other answers too, I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers and pray to the RNG god.

Perhaps just a clarification on hybrids: I know that G1 hybrids are much more sought after and rare, but how do they even roll without any hybrid parent ? Is it still rolled first for every litter, but extremely low if the mom isn't a hybrid ?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 05:32:23
It has a random chance just like Achromia or Bobbed Tail. Just very very low. The chance is so low that I'm not sure when it rolls technically, but I think it's within the bracket of GMO>Natural chance.

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Neren0|G2 Elysian
Pie (#407794)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 06:45:17
Welp, crossing my fingers it is. Thank you all for the clarifications !

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2023-05-24 06:48:54
The "least expensive" way to get a first gen is CRBs. You so need a lot of them but 400-600gbs for 400-600 litters is a lot better than 600+gb for only 50-100 littles it would take for gmo cows. But it is a long journey unless you get lucky early on!

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