Posted by smilus?

BRUTE (#436927)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-05-23 14:06:50
hello! I've just started playing a little over a week ago and don't really know much about price checks. recently I've been REALLY trying to get a primal smilus cub but don't quite know the value of them and what to save!

would 3 GB be fair for one? am I under or offering too much? thanks for the help!

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Aithos (#316751)

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Posted on
2023-05-27 04:02:09
A smilus is a rare case of primal and normally costs between 5 to 7 or 10 to 15 or 20. It rly depends if its a plain smilus or a pretty marked one, clean or not, stats, and etc

I dont believe there would be anybody willing to sell you a Smilus for 3gb sadly

But rn theres some (which in my case aint so pretty but wth right?) smilus going around in the trading center for 5gb

I hope this helped

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