I have been tracking the lowest sale prices for all applicators within the game of Lioden for the last 3 months. Its been an undertaking for sure! But, I am now able to offer these services to others!
I plan to continue monitoring sales prices monthly for the foreseeable future. My plan is to make a comprehensive pricing guide for all applicators in the game!
Currently, I have all of this information in a spreadsheet, which shows the highest price, the lowest price, the average price, and whether the current market price is above or below the average price. It also shows a percentage above or below the average price.

I have done this for all base, marking, and eye applicators in the game.
And I am willing to sell this information to help you out!!
I have done some market research to gauge interest in this information, and to figure out what to charge for these services. So far, I have come up with these options for services:
Option 1:
An analysis of current market price for a chosen applicator, to determine if it is a good time to buy or sell the applicator.
For instance, if you are wondering about "The Jacana", I would check the current price and compare it to the long-term average price to determine if the price is currently above or below that average. If it is above the average, I would suggest to sell the app, and if it is below the average, I would advise you to purchase the app.
The Price for this service is 100sb per applicator that you would like me to research
Option 2:
I can track the price changes of a specific applicator of your choice, and send you updates in price either bi-weekly or monthly so that you may keep track of the average price. For an add-on price, I can keep an eye out for when it becomes a good time to buy or sell the applicator.
For instance, If you would like me to watch the applicator "Cherry Blossom Floof", and report bi-weekly, I will send you an update every other week to let you know what the current price of the Cherry Blossom Floof is. If you pay the add-on price, I will also compare that price to the long-term average price, and let you know how much above or below the average price the applicator currently is.
The Price for this service is determined at the time of commission, based on current market price for the applicator(s) you would like me to report on. I charge 10% of current sale price per applicator. This cost is due before each report, so bi-weekly or monthly.
The add-on cost for when it becomes a good time to buy or sell the applicator is 100 sb per report.
Option 3:
I can also take a look at your personal branch, and determine if the prices on your applicators are at a fair market price or not.
For instance, if you have 16 applicators on your branch, I can look them over, compare the prices you have set are reasonable compared to the long-term average as well as the current market price for each of the items, and let you know if prices should be adjusted.
The price for this service is 10 sb per applicator on your branch
In place of silver beetles, I will also accept the following things at their listed rates:
Gold Beetles = 950 sb
Food items = 5sb/ use (prefer larger carcasses but anything is fine)
feathers = 10 sb each
applicators = -10% lowest current market value
non-applicator items
buffy balls = 24 gb
Lion scrotum = 18 gb
egg yolks = 2 gb
yohimbe bark = 16 gb
cotton root bark = 1gb
cub sex changer = 1gb
pennyroyal = 1 gb
black stallion =
claw extensions (any color) = 500 sb
shiny rock septum ring (any color) = 75 sb
purple starling = 15 sb
GMO cow =
I may also accept lions as payment. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
I am only looking to accept lions that are female and have one or more of the following traits:
(variations listed after * are preferred but all accepted)
*broken, clouded, cracked, Daedal, echo, harlequin, mosaic, mottled, overo, scattered, symmetrical, ticked, tobiano, tovero
*croupe, dense, broken, clouded, harlequin, mosaic, mottled, charred, cross, fissure, panda, rift, shadow, striped, torn
double uterus
Most Preferred Base Colors
Ankh, Arctic, Ardor, Astral, Bandit, Bloodstone, Blue Poinsettia, Brimstone, Cinnabar, Cotton Candy, Dawn, Demiurge, Demonic, Elysian, Ennead, Festive, Frostbitten, Fuchsia, Trophy, Gilded, Glacial, Green, Haliotis, Hibiscus, Incense, Interstellar, Jacana, Ubaste, Kunzite, Labradorite, Merlot, Meteorite, Moss Agate, Ogdoad, Orchid, Ornament, Water Hyacinth, Prismatic, Protea, Pulsar, Rhodonite, Rose Gold, Scoundrel, Sunrise, Temporal
Other traits
High Stats (over 1000)
Color Bomb (vibrant)
I will also consider trades for studs, I will be posting below stud requirements that I am looking for currently:
If you have any further questions, please let me know !!!