Posted by [CLOSED] LF: Clean Low Gen Stud with Dorsal Fur Bo

Jewel Wildmoon (#127341)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-05-30 15:24:33
I have the Dorsal Fur Boost, but both of my kings are Dirty and have long heritages. I'm looking for a Clean Low gen stud to stud this girl (image is clickable) to get a potential clean heir.

I'm offering a refunded studding to either of my 2 Kings with the Dorsal Fur Boost.
Proof of having the boost:

Both accounts have the button unlocked.

Main King:

20M 1.9K Interstellar Quad Rosette Pie (Overo) with Dawn eyes

Side King:

12M 2.4K Solaris Double Rosette Pie (Withered) with Mottled Stripes and Galaxy eyes

The appearance of the stud doesn't really matter. I'd prefer stats from 2K or more, but I'm focusing more on clean + low gen rn ^^;

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Edited on 30/05/23 @ 21:35:32 by Jewel Wildmoon (#127341)

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