Posted by LF New CSS!!

SnootyCupid (#87143)

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Posted on
2023-06-01 12:42:52
Hello!! I just kinged my heir and every time I get a new king, I like to change my layout to match them! π’ͺπ“‡π“…π’½β„―π“Šπ“ˆ is currently monochrome and even if I end up adding color to him, he will most likely stay rather dark in theme. To match, I was hoping for a rainy background, preferably animated. If anyone knows of a pre-existing free css like this please let me know! Or if you think you could make what I'm looking for, please give me as much info as you can! (Price, turnaround time, what you might need from me, etc)

My only requirement is that its able to function with the boxes I currently have set up!

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