Posted by Lf Arctic Stud

hygiea (G1
8xRosette) (#390675)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-06-04 06:29:28
Hi! Looking for friends, to produce the Pulsar base. The features i'm looking for are as follows

-Arctic Base

- G2/G3

-I can't pay very high fees because I will already sending requests during the month. (I can't say a specific fee as I don't know your lion's marks. If you bid, I will respond accordingly.)

- Also doesn't need to be lot of marks. It happens even if there are no marks at all.

(And I'm sorry if I used garbled sentences. English is not my first language heheh)

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Edited on 04/06/23 @ 07:25:04 by hygiea (G3 Ferus 3x Rosette) (#390675)

Fuego (#41825)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-06-20 13:05:12
My queen has an Arctic base and is a heritageless primal (G1) with lots of BO and colorful features, all ready for Pulsar attempts in July :)

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Asmos (#393862)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2023-07-15 08:55:32
Hello! My king (on my side account) is a clean g3 daedal pie. He has an arctic base and 7 markings. He's x2 Hoarfrost and x1 Pulsar, he has 440+ stats (for 3yo) and his stud price is 200 SB or 1 GB for 3 refunded studs!
His link :

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