Posted by LIONESSES!

| PM me melon! (#422037)

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Posted on
2023-06-05 14:29:26
Hi! I decided to make this post because the one that I always use is hard for me to understand at 3 am in the morning when I should be sleeping instead of playing Lioden- NOT THAT I DO THIS! Very often, at least


1. Purr
2. Puff Out Chest
3. Shake Mane
4. Rub Head

1. Manly Roar
2. Puff Out Chest
3. Shake Mane
4. Rub Head

1. Growl
2. Snarl
3. Shake Mane
4. Bite Neck

1. Purr
2. Puff Out Chest
3. Shake Mane
4. Rub Head

1. Manly Roar
2. Puff Out Chest
3. Shake Mane
4. Bite Neck

Do keep in mind that there's about a 30% chance that the claiming will fail, even using the right moves. The only way to guarantee getting the lioness is to use a leopard orchid or auto-claim using 2 GB. A leopard orchid can be obtained from Febrary's Aphrodisia event, the Trading Center, and branches.

Slapping, Auto-Claiming, and Leaving!

There are three other buttons on the claiming screen- the "Slap" button, the "Auto Claim" button, and the "Leave" button. Using the slap button will bring you into a battle with the lioness. Using the Auto-Claim button will cost 2 GB and will immediately claim the lioness. Using the leave button will take you right back to explore and does not claim or fight the lioness.
Side note! Fighting a lioness NPC, whether you slap or choose to fight instead of claim, will subtract 5 karma. Most people don't care and it has very few effects on gameplay, but I learned that like 4 months in, so now you know.

Encounter Frequencies!

The Catnip item increases the chance of finding ladies in explore for thirty minutes. You can obtain catnip from Sergenti Shuffle by getting a score of 3500+. You can also find it occasionally in explore or buy it from the TC or branches. It has five base uses.

The Hyena Butter item decreases the chance of finding lionesses in explore for thirty minutes. You can get it from Monkey Business for 100 SB , buy it from the TC, or buy it off branches.


Newbie me got a little confused by the terms used when talking about lionesses, so here are some of them!

NCL: Newly Claimed Lioness
Chased: A NCL that was chased by another player. They have rarer marks, bases, and eyes (so a lioness with anything you can't get in the creator, basically) which is the only way to differentiate them from normal NCLs.
IBF: Instant Birth Feather. When you IBF a (nested!) lioness, she will give birth immediately.
Buffy or buffy balls: Use it before breeding a lioness to guarantee at least three cubs in her litter.
GOP: Grain of Paradise. Use it before breeding a lioness to guarantee at least two cubs in her litter.

If there's anything else about lionesses that you wanna know, just ask! I'm online almost daily^^

This was based on this thread by Ryuu [#278401]! Thank you for reading!
If anyone comments something that I think would be useful to add to this post, I will add it! So if something's missing, just tell me! Also, I know that there are a lot more terms than this, these are just the ones I see used most often. If there's one that you think needs to be added, just let me know!

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Edited on 06/06/23 @ 06:42:52 by cha🏳️‍🌈tic {PM me pie/melon} (#422037)

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Kitty (G2 NRLC) (#278648)

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Posted on
2023-06-05 14:33:23
very helpful! can barely claim snarky lionesses since i'd always go for the evil claiming route.

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