Posted by Elamanalku—FAQ+Guide

Emerson(498805 if
important) (#249125)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 02:43:58
All information on the species world is here

Elamanalku | FAQ/Guide

-Closed species: The creation of new species, limited and not free for the pubic to create or sell.
-MYO: Make-It-Yourself! Make your own species.
-Coins: Game Currency.

How do I get a character?
You may buy them as adopts, MYOs, breed them, buy them from other players, etc. You can also find them while exploring. (For more specific information, see the main page)

What are characters used for
You can breed them, trade them, get/make art and more for them, etc! You can even soon Roleplay with them in a 3D-mode simulation or on the discord.

What are Coins?
Game currency! Like LioDen GB/SB!

Do I have to be an artist to resell characters?
To sell for irl currency, services, etc; yes. But you can always trade characters for coins!

PM the owner, me, if you have any further questions, or comment below! Please make sure to read the main page throughout before commenting!

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Edited on 10/06/23 @ 02:46:14 by Emerson(G4 Noctis/Sky Daedal) (#249125)

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