Posted by GUIDE: Alternative CSS Hosts

pluto 🌌 (#52831)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-06-13 14:57:45
A Guide to Alternative CSS Hosts

This guide can also be found in this Google Doc.


Hello! First off, if you have issues with reading this, please go to the Google Docs link above. This version needs to be more compact for Lioden.

This is a guide that will help you through hosting your CSS files on different sites other than Dropbox.

For those who may not know, on 06/08/2023, Dropbox pushed out a new update. With this update, Dropbox briefly removed the ability to access raw files in the browser. For those of you who don’t understand what this means, the gist of it is that adjusting the link so that it is raw=1 at the end would make it so that you could access the file, in its entirety, in the browser.

This guide was made to combat that, but only a little after the docs guide was completed, Dropbox made another statement regarding the issue and how it affects people using their service, and decided to return the old functionality, which is great. However, it's still good to have alternatives!

So, what now?

It seems that currently, all old links seem to be fine. I uploaded an old file and it had the same link as always. The old links have just /s/ in their URL, while the new ones have /scl/ in them. We're not entirely sure how the new links will work, but assumedly, it will be the same as the old ones. If not, this guide will be updated.

Now that all that is out of the way, time for an explanation on how to host your CSS on not-Dropbox. Don’t worry; it’s fairly simple. We’ll be focusing on Github in this guide, but hopefully more alternatives can be added in the future.

This guide is heavily referencing this article from “twistblogg.”

Also, to add CSS to LD: Put <*link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="LINK" /> in your den description (remove the *).


If you haven’t heard of Github, it’s a hosting service for software development that allows you to have “version control” using Git. Version control is just tracking and managing changes to code, and Git is a system that looks at your files directly. It’s used to collaborate on projects; if you plan on going into computer science you’ll likely be using it for that purpose.

There are two methods to do this, and this guide will cover both of them.

This guide is intended for people completely new to Github, so you may have to skim it if you’re not new.

Have a question? Please ask below!

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Edited on 13/06/23 @ 15:28:30 by pluto 🌌 { big slappy } (#52831)

Camelot (#77218)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-09-02 12:35:32
great guide, the github pages guidance was very helpful!

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