Posted by Combo Base Project

Sad Cowboy (#112314)

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Posted on
2023-06-20 16:14:13
Just making this post to keep up with my Combo Base project because it's taking up space in my brain. I haven't had a Combo cub born since 2020, when I had a string of good luck and had 4 within 4 months, but I'm still working for it.

I'm mostly just breeding for any combo base, but my ultimate goal is a couple of Madagascar cubs, because that base caught my eye when I first joined Lioden and I've wanted it ever since.

Here are my original four combo cubs (minus 1)
Ashi: Black Rose (now deceased)
Medici: Elysian
Antares: Black Rose (was sold, user no longer exists)
Sable: Ember

Here is a list of my lionesses currently in the project
Astra: Topaz
Bea: Xanthic
Brady: Divine
Domino: Noctis
Echo: Divine
Elliot: Noctis
Hecate: Fiery
Indiana: Jet
Io: Asali
Nyota: Maat
Riley: Ebony
Saoirse: Chartreux
Scully: Topaz
Zinc: Albino
Lia: Slate

And the cubs who will be in the project (as seen in the wardrobe)
Byrne: Shedua
Mars: Ankh
Nickle: Korat
Ollie: Ice
Maeve: Ebony

I don't really have a strategy other than trial and error lmao. I'm trying not to buy lions with the bases I want or need for the project, but that's really my only guiding principle.

Best of luck to y'all's projects!

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