Posted by some base ideas <3

Scourge [Primal
7.7.23 NRLC] (#172302)

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Posted on
2023-06-22 13:55:29
i made some uhh bases and would wanna know what yall think, i dont really care about support or no support because i dont really know where these would fit into the game!


this one is called "Grace of the sea" or thats atleast what the applicator would be called, it uses lighter colours to look more like that really blue water that always looks calm


this one is called "wrath of the sea" same with the other one thats what the applicator would be called, its more dark and i tried to make it look like angry waves idk

id like to know your fair criticisms

This suggestion has 7 supports and 8 NO supports.

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<☆Itty Bitty
Titties☆> (#266237)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-06-26 15:22:08
i really like the first one! but i feel like the second one would take away from other markings a bit, it looks a lil like a few markings on its own!

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