Posted by Primal AMP

🌤️Cosmos (G6
Dwarf) 🌤️ (#267763)

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Posted on
2023-06-26 23:05:42
This change would require no art changes.

When a ferus or felis cub is born, the mutation will be displayed as “Primal (Adult variant)”

When the lion turns 1 year it’s art stays the same. Felis and Ferus adolescents look the same so it would be cool if in game you couldn’t tell the difference until they’re adults.

As for Smilus primals, the mutation will show as “Primal” unless you check cub for mutation (players would have to be able to check primal male cubs for mutations) in which case it’ll display regularly.

This would increase the value of primal variants and make the game a little more fun. Let me know what you think

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