Posted by Beetle Feeding & Stats

MercyDemon (#240390)

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Posted on
2023-06-29 04:37:39
The most efficient way to feed battle beetle grubs is by feeding them every 3 days when they will die next rollover. But surely a well fed grub should have an advantage over one fed the bare minimum amount!

I'm suggesting a low (but not ridiculously low) chance for a beetle to gain a stat when fed. This will encourage players to feed their beetles every day, without punishing people for not altering their feeding habits.

If a beetle gained a stat at every feeding, they'd have 10 extra points, which is significant but (I think) unlikely to be game breaking, especially as the chances of every feeding giving a stat would be less than 0.001/1, even if the chances are as high as 50%.

I think the low chance for 10sb beetle training to actually result in a stat increase is expensive and off putting. While I would like to see the chance of success increase, I think the chance for food to increase stats would still have a significant cost in the form of herb uses, nothing else would have to change, and raising high stat beetles would be a little easier with more depth. I don't know if this would be difficult to code, but no new art would be needed.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 0 NO supports.

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