Posted by New Content Rollout [75+!]

Valli [11BO Inpu
DR-MR/PR] (#128936)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:11:44
Okay, I think any player who has actively played Lioden for more than 8 months can agree this recent 'trend' in the new content released is becoming frustrating.

We're getting an ungodly amount of new bases, marks, and applicators with an unreasonable amount being lazy recolors (ex: Chatoyant, Seth, Medal and Serruria are all the exact same template just different colors). Even the new explore encounters and decor is seeming to become lazy or not fully fleshed out. There's tons of anatomical errors, sloppy lines and some of the new decor looks like things that would be rejected as Custom Decors (coming from someone who has submitted my fair share of CDs).

After talking with some other veteran players, I think we have found what may be a good compromise.

Slow Down New Content

Personal suggestion: One new base/marking/eye each month. Make them BO or Apps, don't release 6 new markings with 3 BO and 3 applicators. Additionally, utilize the suggestions threads more for actual new content. The amount of recolors is disappointing, I want something new when its released, not just something old slapped pink.

Possible alternative: Release one full set a month (one base, one set of markings, one eyes/mane) with a possible new combo either linked to the month or event (June being an exception just with how the event plays out since it always has 3 new app bases and a combo for all three).

One suggestion (#2245): "I 100% agree. They need to alternate if they want to put out One new app/base&eye. Not 5 in a month. If they alternate, at least, we can stabilize some of the app market."

Any additional suggestions put in the replies will be added! Please keep this a positive space with constructive criticism and suggestions!

This suggestion has 114 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Edited on 04/07/23 @ 08:25:18 by Valli [G2 Cloud CB RLC 1k] (#128936)

Tess•clean G3
Inpu (#214545)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:20:29
Yes, please please please slow down new content! Lioden will run itself dry in a matter of a few short years. It seems like they’ve already run out of new ideas which is why there’s so many recolors instead of actual new, original ideas. So many player have such beautiful and unique base ideas that lioden really needs to take a look at.
The market is insane and all this new stuff will just keep making it worse.
The fun of lioden is the challenge of it and lioden is catering to newbies by dishing out everything all the time, making this game way too easy and no longer as fun as it used to be.
Please focus on quality over quantity

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Edited on 01/07/23 @ 12:23:36 by Tess •G1 Ogdoad Colorbomb (#214545)

Roach Water 🪲 G1
Primal (#139382)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:23:34
Yes please please. Doesn't have to be one specifically, but releasing less content a month. We don't need 8 bland recolors a month. The market is struggling and every month just makes the dead horse deader.
A limit on new base/eyes/marks etc may also be good for *actual* new content rather than recolors & slight edits of existing content being tossed together.

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✧Dean✧ (#266760)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:25:22
Support. New bases are supposed to be something exciting and new. Not something that we expect every month. When a new base comes out and it's just a recolor (and it's something like a combo as well!) it's rather disappointing.
I would much rather Lioden focus on improvement of current features and quality of their updates than the quantity of their updates because as we have seen it brings the quality down and only leads to mass disappointment.

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Allie /G1 8x Strat
3x Rosette/ (#356565)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:29:28
100% disagree. The new content is giving us something to do and look forward to.

Just because the market is rocky due to the influx of new players, doesn't mean slowing down the new base/applicator market will fix that.

Truly would make it worse. When there's no new content to look forward to, things get boring and engagement goes down. Especially considering how low prices are, the upper part of the market is crashing.

To be honest I've been more excited about this event than most of the others this year, just due to the amount of new things to look forward to. So no, I do not support this.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:30:11

You might want to read this news post, admins explain why everything works the way it does and how making less markings and bases will NOT make other features happen faster.

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Valli [11BO Inpu
DR-MR/PR] (#128936)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:33:05

I’m not saying to stop new content altogether, I am saying it needs to simply be rolled out at a slower rate! /gen

Instead of 10 new features added a month, dropping it down to say 5. It will allow the content to be higher quality and give us proper new content and allow the admins to implement it better. Since they’re wanting to add in new poses and mutations, they have to convert all in game content to fit the new linearts so by adding so much content at once, it is essentially shooting themselves in the foot by adding even more on that will delay this new contents release (ex: male poses were suggested via News Post back in 2017 and are still being worked to be implemented and will not be seen in game for likely 6 more months if not longer).

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Tess•clean G3
Inpu (#214545)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:33:54
@Allie We don’t want new content to stop completely, just slow down. There will always be new stuff to look forward to, but there might not be if lioden uses all of their ideas up at once. We’ll get progressively lower and lower quality content. Getting less content at once makes it way more exiting when we do get new stuff

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Valli [11BO Inpu
DR-MR/PR] (#128936)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:34:47
@Mad Hyena

The main point of this was not for new content like poses and such to happen faster, it is to make it so higher quality bases/apps/etc are added and more unique content is added instead of recolors or just absolute onslaughts of new content at once.

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Nalena (side) (#251895)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:43:51
i disagree with this. this is the first event this year thats released a bulk of new things, I don't count the 4 bases last month because thats the point of June is a new combo and 3 new bases. honestly, i LOVE July so far because we're not just getting spammed with apps but all the new BO stuff is amazing! i love that there's new things to look forward to each month and as Allie said the markets genuinely crashing because the sites blowing up, and tbh im happy things are becoming cheaper because it allows "low/mid class" lioden players such as myself the ability to afford things i could only dream of this time last year. i see where you're coming from but honestly i love that they are spoiling us

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Allie /G1 8x Strat
3x Rosette/ (#356565)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:45:14
I don't see where the content is becoming "lower quality". In my opinion, the Jellyfish base is one of the best bases released in months. All of the extra bo and applicator marks are just amazing, and I know will give people goals for months to come.

Besides as Mad Hyena stated, base and applicator releases do not affect the timetable of other functions being released.

If the staff wants to create and put out this content, that's up to their discretion. They know the site mechanics better than the average user.

Months that have little to no bases/applicators released are extremely boring (for example march). So I don't see the point in decreasing play time in months that typically get more engagement. That would be the definition of "shooting themselves in the foot" for a business model.

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Valli [11BO Inpu
DR-MR/PR] (#128936)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:51:00
Again, I in no way stated we need to stop any content rollouts. I am saying that rollouts should be spread out more.

As you said, months with less apps or bases or marks get less player turnout or engagement. March as you used as an example doesn't just get less engagement due to its apps (it DOES have plenty of apps and bases and marks and popular ones like Ivory, just no BO), its lack of player participation is because of the content itself. Poaching and the explore encounters are very sensitive topics so people will use that month for more personal things or to take a break from Lioden in general.

I in no way am arguing against new content, nor did I say this month's content sucked, I adore July as a month and always actively participate especially after the draco explore was added as new content. I am just saying that two recolor bases this year alone within 3 months of each other just felt cheap and for Lioden to further dismiss some new content for other things (ex: at least 20 genuinely new things this month) doesn't feel fair or to any extent useful.

Mention of the market was not my point but one that a member I was talking to brought up in their suggestion.

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Tess•clean G3
Inpu (#214545)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:53:10
The low quality im referring to is a lot of the new decor (the new stiff scarab wings for example) would *absolutely* be rejected as CD’s if someone else tried to make those because that decor specifically would be “too sharp”. The placement for a ton of new decor makes no sense for the lions anatomy (looking at you, dragon body decor), and recolors, sure, can be nice, but not 10 recolors of the same base. Just one or two over the years. I’d like original ideas/bases/eyes/marks like the ones players create.

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Edited on 01/07/23 @ 13:09:29 by Tess •G1 Ogdoad Colorbomb (#214545)

Nalena (side) (#251895)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:56:30
personally, I actually have no issue with recolor bases. I adore the Serurria design and there are a few other bases that have unique designs id LOVE to see in different color pallets, tho i can see how many others may not enjoy that perspective. also, im gonna be semi blunt, i see the comment about the art as pretty disrespectful to liodens artists, they all work very hard to make everyone happy and no one is perfect.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 12:57:10
That is definitely connected to new artists that are working for Lioden team; its not a result of having too many/too often released decor but rather, the artist doing them not fully fitting their style to Lioden style. I dont know how that can be helped, though... aside from posting constructive criticism in Art Bugs for said artist to look over and attempt to fit in their style more. But it a) should only be done as a respectful constructive criticism and not as "we dont want that" b) has nothing to do with bases and markings because decor artists are not doing them. Some artists from the team are on decor duty and different artists are on mark/base duty.

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Edited on 01/07/23 @ 13:01:14 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Valli [11BO Inpu
DR-MR/PR] (#128936)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 13:00:45
Yeah, my main focus on this thread was meant to be more directed at bases/marks/eyes/apps and such which is why I didn’t post suggestions about the explore encounters or decor underneath where I actually stated the suggestion point.

I just think some recolors are fine but the amount of recolors is becoming too much or rushed to add even more new content in game.

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Edited on 01/07/23 @ 13:01:38 by Valli [G2 Cloud CB RLC 1k] (#128936)

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