Posted by Primal variant chance?
AlocalPlagueDoc (#307882)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2023-07-02 12:09:47
Are the chances if getting either primal/fang/smilus/ferus/felis different? Is one variant rarer than the other (ignoring the gender ratio for smilus)
If so, which is most common and which is the rarest?
And if I use a pennyroyal on my basic primal king. Are the cubs more likely to be basic primals than another variant?

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-07-02 12:12:28
Ferus is the rarest variant - it can only be born with one parent being a Ferus, and is born much rarer than other variants.
Felis and Smilus are second-rarest.
Primal Fangs is uncommon.
Primal itself is the most common variant to be born.

We dont know how much Pennyroyal increases the chances of felis/smilus to be born, just that it makes them more likely to appear IF cub is rolled primal.

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