The Dreaded Breeder Updates
My first thoughts were true, she did not pass :( so lets log the cost.
First heat: 7/4/2023 Items used: Buffy , Lion scrot, Great tit, Ochre gnawrock, Zebra heart, and IBF| Outcome? Complete fail not a single DU ;-; the cubs will come in handy tho! At least that's what i'm telling myself. Time to freeze her until I get enough money for 2 more gnawrocks. After that I will probably need to store her until February. Like I said before I wish I could've gotten a DU on the first breeding but it was a bit ambitious of me. With the 6 cubs I guess I could use them? There's a feeling of disappointment that comes with setting your expectations a bit too high. Sometimes you gotta deal with loss and accept that it isn't the end of a project but instead a bump in your road :/
On better news I have three lionesses that pop babies in two days, I would check to see how big the litters are gonna be, but that's bad luck
I will say this just freed up time for me to breed my other lionesses, I should have the mane shape+ color, skin and maybe eyes. on a single lioness instead of just mane shape+color
Everything happens for a reason.
UPDATE 7/5/2023 So out of the 3 lionesses that were bred 1 managed to get the Mane shape + color I already killed off the other two and once the cub is weaned the mother will be killed, for space of course. But I'm happy for the new face :)
UPDATE 7/23/2023 Today has been great! 5 cubs were born with the mane shape and color that I needed, which makes it easier for me now, I can begin killing off those who only have the mane shape or color :3
Now! unto the DU, she went into heat today and I used the usual breeding items (buffy, scrot,great tit,ochre gnaw and a IBF) but this time after checking for mutated cubs one actually popped up! I'm so very excited and she's been aged up so tomorrow we will know if she's the DU I need but omg I'm excited XD
UPDATE 7/24/2023 DU! now that that's out of the way I can actually king my abyssinian heir, she's the only one of her kinds there isn't any other du with seal soft rosette in slot 5 :D
UPDATE 12/29/2023 lol there are now 3 DU's in total, I also have 2 lions with the abyssinian base if only I could get a pass with the traits I needed, wahh
UPDATE 12/29/2023 Katava II has been bred and with that I grow closer to accomplishing my goal
UPDATE 2/17/2024 Katava III has been bred and he has the mane shape+color+eyes LET'S GOOOO!!!
UPDATE 4/20/2024 Katava III popped 4 Abysinnians 3 of which consistently got everything needed BUT the mane shape, I decided to king the 4th cub since it would be easier for me. (I can use rock salts and opal salts on my heir, I don't have to worry about applying this to the wrong lioness, ) I've culled every lion that doesn't have the savage mane type since Katava IV no longer has that shape. hehe I'm so close to completing his basic genetics. Then I'll be able to start on the hell that is markings KILL ME NOWWWWW
UPDATE 8/6/2024 KATAVA V HAS BEEN BIRTHED LETS FUCKING GOOOOO, ooh boy the time spent on that alone was crazy, his ugly twin also got pooped out too. (without the mane type BOO) Okay well this means I can finally start working on markings and since I already have the feine dark brown mark on some of my lions (in the slot I need) I guess I can start with that! SIDE NOTE THE CUB ALSO HAS THE VIT IN THE SLOT I NEEDED?? DIDN'T CHECK THAT OMG
UPDATE 8/20/2024 Katava VI has been birthed?! and with such haste?! YIPPEE!! I wasn't expecting that, it feels super rare considering the time inbetween, now I'm frantically selling apps and items so I can cough up those 25GB's lmao, that conclude step 5 and now I will be breeding for the marking onyx pelage^^ since there weren't any lions on the tc atm I have to put it a stud request to the only king with the mark super lucky their studs were public or I would have had to put the project on hold until I could figure out where to go from there. I am now 7/15 ways done, so happy to see this honestly, when I finish maybe I could raffle of some clones of katava? thoughts?
10/23//2024 Wow, honestly wasn't expecting a pass so soon? Feels like I'm making speedy headway and without any hiccups either, I think it's safe to say that aging stones/aging crystal combo is very crucial when it comes to decreasing the time it takes to finish a project, if thinking about starting a project, I would invest HEAVILY in aging stones early on! When Katava is 14/15 complete I will begin breeding him to my DU, this is so I can get my heir and a few DU clones in case I ever wanna change lions for a challenge lol. gotta be prepared! ^^ 8/15
1/2/2025 anddd we're deep in the marking phase, I just repped for a cub without s3 bc I got a stubborn marking on.. S3 is bred on most of my lions so I believe it will be easier to regain it and a extra lol, Katava VIII