Posted by Add to beetle books: Aquapedia

Project King (#185774)

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Posted on
2023-07-06 11:38:09
Hello there!

So, to keep it fairly short and direct :

I LOVE that they added the man-o-war as a collectable "beetle" and it gave me an idea: why not add a new aquapedia section near the beetles?
The mechanics can work exactly like the beetle book does, but for aquatic life!

The African continent has an incredible amount of curious, colorful and fascinating sealife, and I think this could be a really neat addition! Especially considering the man-o-war is not a beetle

An aquapedia could also be a great way for people to learn about specific creatures and maybe even plants,if/ how / why they are endangered etc in their descriptions.
It could be a great way to raise awareness, plus, it's would just be a great addition to have colorful fascinating sealife!

Of course there can be event creatures like we currently have with the beetles and man-o-war, but we could also add these drops to the water encounters, like "clean the lake?" could occasionally drop a fish, snail, plant or whatnot to add to a collection like beetles!

For the "larvae" sprite, for any aquatic life it could be a little fish egg, and for maybe plants just a little sapling etc. Something rather simple to show the age stage

If love to hear your opinions

This suggestion has 7 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/07/23 @ 14:13:05 by Couwu|Project King (#185774)

[ heartbroken ] [ G3
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2023-07-06 20:21:30
I'm not sure- the beetle book provides context for an already-existing game feature that's fairly well-used, whereas this seems like it would be informative, but nothing really ties it to the rest of the game? A really massive amount of work would have to go into it as well since it's completely from scratch and not based on anything else in LD- I don't think this could be added in without having to prioritize it over other larger updates that would be more relevant to gameplay, nor do I think it really should be prioritized over more relevant content updates. I think this is a no support from me.

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Project King (#185774)

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Posted on
2023-07-06 21:41:44
It doesn't HAVE to be informative necessarily, BG he beetle description too is still outstanding, and the mechanics could basically just be copies from the bettkes and just have the art tweeked a little bit, I don't think it would require that much more work to basically copy the coding for the beetles and just replace images, but that's a fair point

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