Posted by I Have Lots of Questions!
Katana (#330676)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 19:52:09
Okay so I'm going to start off with I have multiple questions

1: I really want to king this guy
But since he is a dwarf he cannot pass his mutation
I also have this guy who I would be okay with kinging
I know the patches mutation passes from males and dwarf doesn't but I'd love a dwarf king. Does anyone have pros and cons about it?

2: What should I auction 200 axion Cores for?

3: What is the best way you know of to breed a dwarf lioness

4: What are some muties that are worth breeding for?

5: Are there any ways to get Lethal other than it being random?

6: How do I know if a base, marking, Mane, eye color, ect is rare?

7: How do I make a good profit from breeding? Muties and regulars. And how do I know if I should tree them/give them away for free, sell them for very little, or sell them for more?

8: What are the best ways you know of for getting breeding items? (Great tits, lion scrotum, Buffalo scrotum, ect)

Thank you!

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Az (side) (#113074)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 20:00:37
1. depends on what youre playing for! if you want a dwarf king purely because you love dwarves, go for it! if you're looking for patches mutation to (possibly) sell, id go for the patches. they arent selling well rn though

2. the current conversion rate for cores is 20AC = 1GB, so maybe start at 5gb and have a minimum increase of 1gb or 500 sb? I'm not super experienced with auctions, so someone else might be able to help you there

3. use lion scrotums on a female dwarf. it cannot pass naturally.

4. hybrids and lethals bring in the most GB. dwarves you can sell for 20+ gb, depending on base and markings. pies, patches, and primals arent worth much.

5. no

6. the wiki has lots of info on that! general rule of thumb is anything breed only (the celestial lioness eyes for example).

7. special bases, especially breed only bases will sell for more than other bases. depends on the base, and the market is shit rn so. but you can check the TC for lions with matching traits! id search for mutation or base to check prices, as opposed to markings (unless rosettes, anything about x3 rosette is pretty valuable).

8. most events have breedings items, especially February. id check the wiki and look at all the event shops to get an idea. great tits can only be acquired from the slot machine.

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Edited on 09/07/23 @ 20:00:53 by Az (side) (#113074)

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